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Maltese concordats Maltese concordats

Nine concordats are listed for Malta from the two decades since 1985. Four of these agreements are marked "non occorre la ratifica", meaning they were not ratified by Parliament, but simply “sealed and approved” by the Maltese Foreign Minister on behalf of the government of Malta.

The Maltese concordat texts are available online on the Vatican website in two different places: under Agreements of the Holy See and the Concordats of John Paul II (under i concordati). Because not all were ratified, only the date of signing is given below.

♦  Agreement on Catholic schools (1985-04-27) Accordo sulle Scuole Cattoliche

♦  Temporary understanding on the financing of Catholic schools (1986-07-13) Intesa temporanea per il finanziamento delle Scuole cattoliche

♦  Agreement on the School of Theology’s incorporation into Malta University (1988-09-26) + Additional Protocol (1995-03-26) Accordo tra la Santa Sede e il Governo della Repubblica di Malta sull'incorporazione della Facoltà di Teologia nell'Università di Malta + Allegato + Protocollo Aggiuntivo (1995)

♦  Accordo tra la Repubblica di Malta e la Santa Sede per meglio ordinare l'istruzione e l'educazione religiosa cattolica nelle scuole statali + Modes of Regulation on Catholic Religious Instruction and Education in State Schools (1989-11-16, modified 2003-02-18)

♦  Convenzione sui beni temporali della Chiesa / Convention on the temporal goods of the Church (1991-11-28)

♦  Convenzione sulle scuole cattoliche / Convention on Church schools (1991-11-28) [English, Italian]

♦  Agreement on recognition of civil effects to canonical marriages and to the decisions of the ecclesiastical authorities and tribunals about the same marriages + Protocol of Application + Second Additional Protocol (1993-02-03) Accordo tra la Repubblica di Malta e la Santa Sede sul riconoscimento delgi effetti civili ai matrimoni canonici e alle decisioni delle Autorità e dei tribunali ecclesiastici circa gli stessi matrimoni  [Italian PDF

♦  Additional Protocol to the Agreement Between Malta and the Holy See on Catholic Religious Instruction and Education in State Schools (2003-02-18)

♦  Agreement between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta on the recognition of civil effects to canonical marriages and to the decisions of the ecclesiastical authorities and tribunals about the same marriages (3 February 1993) (revised version (27 January 2014)






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