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Content for Croatia

Gerichtsverfahren: Nazi-Gold finanzierte die Rattenlinien des Vatikan

Die Zeit geht zu Ende für die bejahrten Überlebenden des kroatischen Holocausts, und wenn der letzte Zeitzeuge gestorben ist, wird es dem Vatikan leichter fallen, zu behaupten, das Ganze sei nie geschehen. Viel steht auf dem Spiel, da der Vatikan befürchtet, ein Erfolg bei diesem Prozess könnte ähnliche Klagen um das viel grössere deutsche “Opfergold” nach sich ziehen.

Procès accusant le Vatican d’avoir financé ses réseaux d’exfiltration par l’or des nazis

Le temps passe pour les victimes de l’Holocauste Croate et lorsque les derniers témoins auront disparus il sera plus facile pour le Vatican de prétendre qu’il ne s’est rien passé. L’enjeu est énorme, le Vatican ne voulant pas voir de plaintes similaires concernant des l’ ‘or des victimes’ allemandes, bien plus nombreuses.

Protest against Concordat with the Vatican Held in Zagreb

A demonstration against concordats was held in Croatia in 2016, demanding abolition of Croatia’s concordats with the Vatican, claiming they cost Croatians more than a billion kuna a year (over 140 million US dollars) and violate separation of church and state.

Lawsuit charges that Nazi gold funded Vatican ratlines

In 1999 the elderly survivors of the Croatian Holocaust launched their claim for compensation against the Franciscans and the Vatican Bank, but ten years later their claims were rejected because the American court said it lacked jurisdiction over the Vatican Bank. The Vatican Bank was further shielded by the internal Vatican monitoring body set up to prevent money laundering.

Beatify a war criminal and get a financial concordat

Had Franjo Tudjman, the first president of Croatia, lived longer he might have been convicted of war crimes committed in the civil war of the 1990s. For politicians shunned by the world, a concordat with the Vatican means welcome acceptance and, in fact, Tudjman concluded four of them. In 1998, just before the financial concordat was signed, the Vatican sweetened the deal by beatifying an archbishop convicted as a war criminal for complicity in the WWII Croatian Holocaust. 

Agreement between The Holy See and the Republic of Croatia on Legal Questions (1996)

This concordat assures that the Church gets advance warning of any impending investigation of its clerics. In light of the atrocities perpetrated during the Croatian Holocaust (1941-45) and the Croatian War of Independence (1991-95), this may be a prudent move.

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