The Vatican and the Holocaust
♦ Pius XII, concordat negotiator and Holocaust pope
♦ Just another neutral state: The Vatican in the Holocaust
♦ Sainthood doublecross?
♦ The Vatican and the Holocaust: A Preliminary Report by the International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission (2000)
Citing massive evidence, David I. Kertzer concludes that
that for the better part of a century and a half, from the fall of Napoleon to the rise of Hitler, the church not only failed to combat anti-Semitism, but actively, knowingly, purposely contributed to it, lending it authority and respectability while honoring its most active purveyors inside the church and outside.
Popes Benedict XV and Pius XI even encouraged Father Ernest Jouin, the first in France to publish the classic forgery, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which had been concocted by the Russian police two decades earlier to blame the Jews for the Czar's problems. These two popes were the predecessors of Pius XII who reigned during the Holocaust and into the postwar period. (2 March 1939 - 9 October 1958)