
Key documents represent four periods of church-state relations in France:
♦ Separation of Church and state (1795-1905)
♦ Napoleon's concordat (1801)
♦ Marshal Pétain’s laws (1940-1943)
♦ Under-the-radar concordats (today)
This Nazi puppet regime quietly passed laws which amounted to a kind of creeping concordat that eroded French secularism. In secular France no one calls them concordats and most French people don't realise that they actually have 14 of them. ♦ Steady erosion of church-state separation in France today
(Not covered here are the evolving relations, as of 2019, between mosque and state. These concern not just the French state, but also foreign ones, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, all vying to speak for the Muslims of France.)
Separation of Church and state (1795-1905)
Napoleon's concordat and Organic Articles (1801): texts and commentary
Marshal Pétain’s laws (1940-1943)
♦ Marshal Pétain's marriage of convenience with the Church
♦ Text of Pétain's law of 25 December 1942 — his Christmas gift to the Church
Under-the-radar concordats
♦ About the Trinity-of-the-Mountains concordats (1828, 1974, 1999, 2005)
♦ Concordat on church & convent of Trinity-of-the-Mountains, Rome (1999): text
♦ Higher education concordat (2008): text